Subtle Nudges for Better Role Playing

The Deck of Cues provides your party with a variety of fun and easy “cues” or improv prompts to enhance your role playing and overall fun in-game experience. It was specifically designed for games like D&D, but with creativity can be adapted to any tabletop RPG.

Product Price $19.99

Product Description

Subtle Nudges for Better Role Playing

The Deck of Cues provides your party with 36 high quality cards containing a variety of fun and easy “cues” or improv prompts to enhance your role playing and overall fun in-game experience. It was specifically designed for games like D&D, but with creativity can be adapted to any tabletop RPG. Whether you’re a seasoned group playing a 10 year old campaign or just getting started these cues will prompt your character to act, react and engage with your in-game world in ways you never thought possible. For example, your cue may say:

Your evening meal did not sit well with you. You become bloated and frequently burp for the entire day.


You just can’t get a song out of your head and you keep humming and singing it, annoying your other party members. You can only stop if one of them successfully attacks you.


Someone in this town has a wooden leg. Acquire it, but without force.

Cues are simple and designed to be achievable within a single gaming session, however they can span multiple sessions as well. It’s up to you and your group. Most cues don’t offer any type of in-game reward for complying (your DM might offer inspiration??), however you’ll definitely kick up your party’s RP enthusiasm! Your DM/GM will be the deciding factor in any type of reward or penalty a cue may suggest. For instance:

The night before, when you went to lay on your bed you squashed a fairy that was resting in that same spot. So until you can say you’re sorry for squashing it, you have bad luck giving you -3 to all rolls.

Check with your DM before introducing any external material into your game. If they don’t allow the rewards/penalties, chances are these can still improve your role playing experience.

The cue cards in this deck are grouped by the following categories:

  • Challenge – Cues that provoke you to some sort of action or goal.
  • Compulsion – Cues that enact some sort of temporary character flaw.
  • Inspiration – Cues that encourage you to bestow inspiration to your fellow party, or other in game characters.
  • Circumstance – Cues that inflict some sort of circumstance that is usually accompanied by some sort of temporary characteristic change.

There are many ways to use The Deck of Cues in your games, but here are two variations we have found to be most enjoyable: First, check with your DM/GM to make sure it’s cool to introduce Deck of Cues into your game.

  1. DM/GM hands out one random card to each player at the beginning of the session. Cards are to be completed during that session. (optionally, if cue was played and completed, draw a new cue card).  Often DM/GM will reward players with inspiration dice or some other in-game benefit upon completion.  This is totally up to your DM/GM!!
  2. Each player that wishes to participate has their own Deck of Cues and draws a card at the beginning of a session. Its most fun to keep it random, but you can select the cue of your choosing if desired.

Keep an eye out for expansion packs and grow your party’s role playing experience.



Product Features

Deck 36 cards